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Online Marketing And Media Podcast

Mar 13, 2020

I’ve heard a lot of concern from clients over the past few days about their concerns over losing business due to the coronavirus.

As a result, every one of my clients and I have made together to send out social posts and email newsletters about the proactive measures my clients are taking to alleviate their clients, patients, and customer’s concerns.

So, as you can imagine I’ve been spending a LOT of time messaging – getting the right tone and information together - to minimize the potential loss of business. And so today I wanted to share with you my marketing communications strategy to help you manage any concerns your clients, patients, or customers are bringing to your attention, so you can minimize any potential loss in business. I’m going to share with you:

  1. How to know when it’s an appropriate time to say something.
  2. Some of the communication mistakes I’ve seen and corrected.
  3. And, I’ve drafted a template letter (see below), which you’re free to edit and post on your social channels, send out as a newsletter, and even on your website (if that’s necessary).